A Located Parlour Game

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A Located Parlour Game

Ben Barker

3rd December 2015

Earlier in the year we were selected to develop a prototype for the Lost Palaces commission by Historic Royal Palaces. Our project, called An East Wind, was an adventure for groups where each player followed a specific character from the Glorious Revolution (the events that led to William of Orange invading England and taking the throne from James II). Told on-site at the now lost Palaces of Whitehall, each character saw events unfold from a different perspective. Some of what they were told was to be shared whilst some was to be kept private. At different points players would be prompted to make decisions, knowing that others were working on their own agenda.


We were inspired in part by games like Resistance, a Mafia derivative described by BoardGameGeek as “a party game of social deduction’. In Resistance, collaborative storytelling and betrayal are closely linked, asking you to work together to complete tasks, whilst either convincing the other players of your innocence through hard work and loyal service, or creating convoluted scenarios to weed out spies and defeat the Imperialists.

The betrayal mechanic really suits the historic material of the Glorious Revolution. James II’s story is full of confused motives and opposing forces, from family and politics, to religion and pride. Though many players might already know how the story ends, we took Hilary Mantel’s approach of writing history in the present tense, or as Martin Belam says, creating “a narrative that you can see backwards, but the protagonists can’t”. It becomes not who will be betrayed, so much as under what circumstances. Luckily for us there is some ambiguity in exactly when the Protestant Bishops, James’ Commander in Chief and his sister Anne all defected.


In developing the digital element of the interaction, we often referenced the superb Spaceteam, ‘a collaborative shouting game for phones and tablets’. Spaceteam sits in a surprisingly small genre, that of the local network (shouting distance) multiplayer smartphone game. You are the crew of a spaceship undergoing various states of cosmic duress. Your task is to maintain the vessel using the instrument panel displayed on your smartphone. During the game you are given a queue of orders relating to yours and other players instruments, the later must be conveyed across the meat space in a timely fashion before the ship disintegrates. Though more joyously chaotic than An East Wind, the idea of a story pieced together in a few vocalised fragments makes for great intrigue during the game, and lengthy conversations after.

Spaceteam also handles synchronisation really well, over wifi or bluetooth. After too many weeks trying to get four player SMS to arrive at the same time, we moved to a web app format.  Though it was a shame to lose the intimacy of SMS, the web app gave us a huge jump in immediacy and precision. By the end of the run, with this jump in performance, it was very satisfying having the script of a four person narrative being generated dynamically and acted out directly.

We hope that by telling a historic story through the words and actions of other players, asking them to translate and perform, An East Wind creates an interesting relationship with the material, offering a new way to play in the lost historic details.

Hello Lamp Post Tokyo

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Hello Lamp Post Tokyo

Ben Barker

20th April 2015

Next weekend our playful city-wide project Hello Lamp Post will move from Austin, where it has been running for the last two months, to Tokyo where it will launch at Roppongi Art Night. From Saturday using text messaging on their mobile phones Tokyoites will be able to talk to the famous outdoor vending machines, street mirrors and any other city object with a serial code. As the objects wake up, they will learn from Tokyo’s inhabitants and share back the stories they hear. The project is being produced by British Council and was first developed for Watershed’s Playable City Award 2013.

Whilst Austin is young, spacious and built on its small town image, Tokyo is a venerable giant that spent the 20th century defining the idea of a modern metropolis. Both are changing fast though, Austin through it’s booming technology sector and Tokyo, under Shinzo Abe’s pro outsider policies, by learning to encourage a more diverse business and cultural outlook to boost the slowing economy. Like Austin, Tokyo has one of the most digitally literate populations in the world, it’s an exciting step for Hello Lamp Post.

Culturally Tokyo is also the city where cuteness, or Kawaii, is an acknowledged cultural product, Hello Kitty being Catmander in Chief. Aside from the similarities in name, charming is a word we’ve often used to describe the interaction at the core of Hello Lamp Post, that of helping newly sentient objects to understand the city they find themselves in. We hope that bodes well for the appeal of the project, though we’re aware we may be preaching to the choir when it comes to using technology to bring play and charm to public space.

So while we prepare for Tokyo this week, it’s also the last chance to play Hello Lamp Post in Austin, it will leave the city on the 27 April after having already received over 20,000 messages from Austin’s weird and curious denizens. As it draws to a close we wanted to reflect a little on how people are playing (click on the images to enlarge). We started off looking at some of the language used, what gets talked about and how does it compare against it’s antonyms?

This next map looks at bus stops in the city to see where people have been playing. Something we were really keen to do in Austin was to take the project to each of the newly formed 10 districts. As the map shows, we found the same thing as with the postboxes in Bristol, there is actually a really great spread of play. One of the things we are most proud of about Hello Lamp Post, is that it brings public art to people outside of the normal downtown bubble.

Finally, just to prove it is sometimes cold in Austin, a graph of when people play by temperature. This was taken four weeks in, so has probably warmed up, but there was even an icy patch in early spring.

We’ll take a lot of that forward into Tokyo. It’s such a big city we can’t try to promote the project everywhere, as in Austin, but we can animate some exciting objects. As ever, you can talk to anything in the city, but we’re particularly excited about Louise Bourgeois Maman being given a voice, as well as the height competitive Mori and Tokyo Towers. We’ll be promoting these from a couple of different vantage points. Tokyo Tower is a large, Eiffel inspired lattice tower and hopefully its scale will work to our advantage with people able to see it from most of the city.

The system has also now learnt Japanese and in so doing become bilingual. Now if you say “こんにちは 六本木 交差点 #106” then it will recognise you as a native and reply accordingly, and if you speak in English then it will reply in English. We’ve also had to overcome a few regional issues, not least embrace email as a mechanism rather than SMS. Due to the fact mobile data was available here much earlier than in the west, SMS technology was largely bypassed and the dominant cross network system became email, with networks providing a phone specific address with any sim-card. So culturally email is treated more like sms, meaning it works on all phones smart or dumb and will work in either the messaging clients or email ones.

Finally of course we found that language just isn’t that simple. Japanese has a subject-object-verb structure, unlike English. Therefore the system needs to reflect that in the way it constructs a response. This means objects have to think differently about English responses “Another person told me something” than Japanese ones where it becomes “Another person something me told”. What a fun way of exploring different cultures this project is.

There’s lots more to share about our adventures with Hello Lamp Post over the last 18 months, but for now it’s just to say a huge thank you to Austin for being such a perfect match for the system, and to Tokyo for inviting this weird little project to cross the pacific. You can learn more about Austin here or Tokyo here and if you are interested in bringing Hello Lamp Post to your city, then please do get in touch here.